Ranchi, Jul 22 (FN Agency) Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Thursday said that Koylanchal will not be only known for its mineral wealth but will also reach new heights in the area of providing quality education. Virtually addressing the first convocation ceremony of Binod Bihari Mahto Koylanchal University Dhanbad he extended his best wishes to the students. ‘ He said that in the state educational institutions are being set up in the name of grest martyrs and in the future all the educational institutions being set up in the different divisions will be provide better education to the students.
The Chief Minister said that the government has schemes to provide better education facilities to the students but due to the pandemic the sector has been adversely impacted. He said once the spread of infection slows down more speed will be added to execution of schemes and soon a meeting with all the vice chancellors of the universities will be held to prepare better education plan. Mr Soren pointed that during review of revenue department it was brought to his notice that in the state study related to ‘Amin’ was not being done. He directed that for providing new opportunities to the students course in this area should be started and asked the vice chancellor of the university to take steps in this regard.
The Chief Minister said that to encourage high education among the tribal students foreign scholarship scheme has been started and though the scheme has been started for limited students in future it will be expanded. He pointed that the state government is also under taking repair of hostels at work has commenced to make 500 hostels well equipped with facilities and once the spread of infection reduces all the work will be completed. Those present on the occasion included Dhanbad MP PN Singh, Dhanbad MLA Raj Sinha, Jharia MLa Poornima Singh and others.