Nakodar, Mar 17 (FN Representative) The Nakodar city police have arrested two persons on the charge of sodomizing an eight years old child. The Station House Officer (SHO ) Jatindar Kumar Singh said that the accused have been identified as Toni Mohit son of Bhuma a resident of Mohalla Guru Nanak Pura and Rohit alias Tona son of Kala a resident of Mohalla Bogarran. Father of the victim complained to the police that the accused sodomised the child.
SHO said that a case under section 377(unnatural offences) and 34(committing crime with common intention) of the Indian Penal Code and sections 4 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act 2012 has been registered against the accused who were produced in a court which remanded them to judicial custody.