Palghar, Jul 7 (Agency) With the arrest of a 21-year-old from Ambivili of Kalyan in Thane district, the Palghar district rural police on Wednesday claimed to have solved three cases of chain snatching the police said. The District Superintendent of Police Palghar Rural, Dattatreya Shinde told that the police recovered the booty worth Rs 2,71,700 comprising of three ‘mangalsutras’ from the arrested accused.
These chain snatchings of women had taken place in the limits of the Boisar and Tarapur police stations, the police said. The police said that the arrested accused was among the infamous Irani gang who indulge in chain snatching in and around Thane district. The recovery by the police in all the three cases of chain snatching includes Mangalsutra weighing 62.00 grams. The police are now trying to find out if the accused had committed any more such offences.