‘Viksit Odisha Viksit Shilpayan paine Darkar’, Says Dr. Tapan Chand

Bhubaneswar, Apr 2 (Bureau) Odisha will be completing 100 years of its formation in 2036, Odisha @ 100. People of Odisha have lot of aspirations and ambitions in Viksit Odisha that should emerge by that time. They expect big change, a change in existing paradigm. They expect Odisha to be the sunrise state in the East leading in progress and prosperity. Odisha to be the Manufacturing Hub of East. Youth of Odisha will have enough opportunity in the state as entrepreneurs and professionals and they will have no need to go for out of state for employment. Industry powers growth and prosperity, creating enormous opportunities. In industry, it is MSMEs that gives inclusive growth and provides opportunities at grassroots level. MSME sector provides large-scale employment to lower middle class, poor and marginalised sections of the society. In Odisha next to agriculture MSME is the biggest employer. Therefore MSME Sector is a crucial sector requiring focus of the Government. There are 19 Lakhs MSMEs in Odisha but Odisha is nowhere, in terms of number of MSMEs amongst the top 10 states of the country. While UP is the Number 1 state with 90 Lakhs MSMEs, Madhya Pradesh with 27 Lakhs MSMEs is at 10th position. Gujarat is having 33 Lakhs MSMEs. Further some estimates say out of 19 Lakhs MSMEs only 5.2 Lakhs are registered and active providing 19 Lakhs employment.

There are two major developments taking place in the next couple of years. First one is Fourth industrial revolution taking shape in industries led by a cluster of cutting edge technology like AI, Robotics, AR, VR, Sensors, Big Data etc. bringing unimaginable automation and disruptive change. Traditional and repetitive jobs will vanish, lot of non core jobs will be out sourced. Employment opportunity in large industries will be reduced and MSMEs will emerge as major source of providing livelihood either as enterprenures owning start ups or employees as professionals in the industries. There will be a change in the paradigm in the industrialisation and the focus of employment will shift from large industry to small industries. The backbone of future industrialisation in Viksit Odisha will not be big industrial houses or big mining companies, but small industries and small enterprenures. Another important change will be in the demographic structure of the state with 64% of the population in working age group. The state will be in a make or mar position on the question of productive engagement of this huge work force of around 2.5 Cr. It will one of the biggest challenge to Viksit Odisha.

Here comes the role of MSMEs to create opportunities of productive engagement. But the main reason for low growth of MSME sector in Odisha is lack of respectability and recognition, hand holding by Government, low or no order position, and less market access. For the first time, Hon’ble Prime Minister of a country has come forward to guarantee the services provided by the Government to the citizens. Generally Political leadership shy away from giving firm commitments, but here is a unique case of a Global leader confirming to the people of his country the commitment he makes. Popularly known as Modi ki Guarantee, A commitment to deliver what is promised, Modi ki Guarantee covers a wide range of promises across sectors, citizens and schemes. Viksit Bharat, Ek Shrestha Bharat are flagships of such guarantee. Modi ki Guarantee have ensured excellent result in Seva, Susasan and Garib Kalyan. Twenty Five Crore People have been lifted out of multi dimensional poverty even as PM Modi provides free food grains to eighty crore people through PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana. No one sleeps hungry is the motto. Another welfare guarantee is a roof over each needy head. Four crore houses have been sanctioned under PM Awas Yojana. Jal Jivan Mission provides water supply to 14 Cr rural house holds and guarantees safe and portable tap water connection to all rural house holds in India. PM Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY), the worlds largest health insurance plan funded by Government covering nearly 55 Cr individuals belonging to 12 Cr vulnerable families.

It is one of the biggest safety net safe guarding poor and vulnerable from falling into debt trap. PM Kisan Scheme has benefited over 11 Cr farmers with Rs. 2.6 Lakhs Cr given as assistance. Uninterupted credit access through Kisan Credit Card and PM Fasal Bima Yojana with Rs. 1.5 Lakh Cr given in claims have empowered farmers (Annadatas). Jan Dhan Yojana have led to 28 Cr women gaining access to bank account for the first time. While nearly 31 Cr Mudra Loans have been extended to women. One Crore Lakhpati Didis are already transforming the rural landscape of India. PM Ujjwala Yojana providing 10 Cr LPG connections has empowered women, demonstrating commitment to women rights and welfare.
The Development and empowerment of Youth has been the focus of Modi ki Guarantee through various schemes. Having India emerging as the 3rd largest Startup Eco System Globally having 1 Lakh plus startups, PM Mudra Yojana has extended credit access to 8 Cr youth entrepreneurs. Six Crore jobs have also been created between 2014 & 2019 in Indias digital economy. Ten Thousand Atal Tinkering Labs coupled with assured remuneration to 1.4 Cr persons under PM Kuashal Vikas Yojana have empowered millions of young mind reducing the unemployment rate from 5.8% in 2018-19 to 3.2% in 2022-23. Apart from these most popular guarantees is like abrogation of Article 370 and construction of Shree Ram Mandir have been delivered.

Modi ki Guarantee will be golden opportunity for MSMEs in Odisha to grow. The campaign VOCAL FOR LOCAL has started giving respectability and recognition with Hon’ble PM himself advocating for MSME products and services. Double Engine Sarkar will be implementing the campaign VOCAL FOR LOCAL in policy framework and support. It is expected with PMs campaign of VOCAL FOR LOCAL implemented by Double Engine Sarkar will build up Odisha as a manufacturing hub in East again aligning with Purvodya. It is estimated that No. of MSMEs may be more than doubled in next 5 years. Taking the existing active MSMEs of 5.2 Lakhs providing 20 Lakhs employment and the potential of creating 20 Lakhs MSMEs with death rate drastically reducing due to continuous hand holding and uninterrupted market access, the no of active MSMEs could be around 20 Lakhs providing 8 million productive engagement. With a family unit of three, 2.4 Cr people of Odisha will get benefited. In Viksit Odisha, paradigm of industrialization will change with MSME becoming the driving force powered by Modi Ji Ki Guarantee. VOCAL FOR LOCAL with Double Engine Sarkar. Double Engine Sarkar – Viksit Odisha Viksit Shilpayan pain Darkar.