Work location doesn’t impact effectiveness of performance: Survey

New Delhi, Mar 4 (FN Bureau) Work Location Does Not Impact Effectiveness of Project Performance, says a report, The Future of Project Work: Moving Past Office-Centric Models. The survey reports that 44 per cent of Indian organisations reported that they had adopted a hybrid work environment while 10 per cent reported that their organisation was working remotely. This clearly shows the change in perception of remote working. “This report underscores the importance of organisations not only re-evaluating their work location policies and optimising how they operate, but also prioritising the development of essential skills within project teams to enhance their adaptability,” Pierre Le Manh, President & Chief Executive Officer of Project Management Institute (PMI), said. The survey results of 2,246 project professionals and 342 senior leaders around the world provide compelling evidence that organisations can provide work location flexibility, agility, and empowerment without affecting project execution and performance.

PMI, the world’s leading authority for project professionals, published its 15th annual Pulse of the Profession report, The Future of Project Work: Moving Past Office-Centric Models. “Empowering project professionals and teams with the autonomy to determine and implement the most appropriate ways of working —irrespective of their physical location—positions them for greater success in navigating uncertainties, evolving business landscapes, emerging challenges, and project demands,” Manh added. Since Covid-19 transformed the world of work nearly four years ago, there has been much debate about the most effective work arrangement, and many studies have attempted to argue the negatives of remote work outweigh the positives. However, data from the report suggests organisations that bring employees back into the office will likely not see a significant improvement in project performance, especially considering the negatives impact this could have on employee morale and retention, as well as operational costs, the survey finds.