Santhigiri Ashram plays catalytic role in country’s progress: Vice-Prez

New Delhi, Nov 21 (Agency) India is poised to emerge as world leader on the strength of its cultural heritage and path breaking initiatives for women and youth empowerment and institutions such as Santhigiri Ashram are playing the role of a catalyst in this holistic endeavour, Vice-president Jagdeep Dhankhar said here on Monday.Dedicating the Silver Jubilee Centre at the Delhi branch ashram of Santhigiri Ashram to the public, Dhankhar said in a short 25-year span, the ashram branch has played the role of a catalyst to bring about revolutionary social change through a holistic development.’What we need in this country today is a mindset that reflects our civilisational ethos. Rather than empowering the pocket of a person, we must empower their minds, their faculties. You are doing this in an effective manner, by empowering human resources through skill development,’ Dhankhar said.

The Vice-President said the Ashram’s journey of 25 years has been remarkable. ‘You are catalysing a big social change, handholding those who need your assistance. You are playing a pivotal role in changing Bharat, home to one-sixth of humanity,’ he said.Dhankhar said he can’t express in words what he felt. ‘I will leave this place fully surcharged, energised, motivated and inspired to follow the principles that Santhigiri Ashram is espousing…… Every memory etched in my mind,’ he stated.Earlier, he planted a sapling in the ashram premises. Then he entered the prayer hall along with Congress MP Shashi Tharoor, who welcomed him along with Ashram president Swami Chaithanya Jnana Thapaswi and General Secretary Gururethnam Jnana Thapaswi on his arrival. Dr Tharoor, the Thiruvananthapuram MP, said his association with the institution has been for a decade and half, which has now emerged as a major spiritual, developmental and social institution.

He said it was a matter of great pride to be with the ashram. He stressed on the three tenets of Santhigiri — Annadanam (Food for all), Adursevanam (Healthcare) and Aatmabodhnam (spiritual realisation).He praised ashram’s accomplishments in the field of healthcare, preventive healthcare and Ayush, especially, its targetted skill development programmes. He said the Ashram continues to play an important role in providing solace and succour to the people.Praising the Santhigiri Ashram for doing a great job, he appreciated everything that is being done in national interest.He praised the recent anointing of 22 sanyasinis in last month , which was also praised by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.Commending the efforts and achievements made by the Ashram, he urged that innovation was needed in the field of mental health so that people do not lose health.

DhankHar met Her holiness Shishyapoojitha Amritha Jnana Thapaswini, the present Guru Apparent of Santhigiri Ashram and also offered prayers at the prayer hall.On Friday, Lt Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena has inaugurated the Silver Jubilee function of the Delhi branch of the renowned Kerala-based Santhigiri Ashram.Santhigiri Ashram, Saket Branch serves as a centre for coordinating myriad of spiritual, cultural and holistic healthcare activities in addition to spiritual pursuits. The centre is actively engaged in encouraging communities through skill development and public healthcare initiatives, particularly in the regions of North and North-East India.Her holiness Shishya Poojitha Amritha Jnana Thapaswini, the present Guru Apparent of Santhigiri Ashram, did Pratishtha Sthapana on Sunday.