NIRDPR, Hyderabad organizes MHM workshop for adolescent girls

Hyderabad, Nov 9 (Representative) National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR) here on Thursday organized a one-day Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) workshop at the Government Girls High School in Shamshabad. The primary objective of this workshop, conducted for adolescent girls in government schools, was to empower and educate young girls about menstruation, including its physical and emotional aspects, as well as the hygienic practices associated with it. School principal Suvarna shared her experiences as a teacher by interacting with adolescent girls who were experiencing their “first menstrual cycle.” She discussed how the staff assisted in managing the menstrual cycles of these girls. Since the school is exclusively for girls, an MHM period is observed every week. The school principal emphasized the importance of maintaining proper hygiene practices throughout menstruation and encouraged a better understanding of menstrual cycle management skills.

Dr NV Madhuri, Head of CGSD at NIRDPR, provided an overview of NIRDPR’s MHM Workshop, highlighting the significance of these sessions for adolescent girls in managing their menstrual cycles. She also conducted a demonstration on the correct use and disposal of menstrual hygiene products.A Nagalakshmi, Deputy General Manager of BDL, the organization that sponsored the project on “Awareness Creation and Supplying of Sanitary Napkins to girl students of Government Schools” in Rangareddy, discussed the importance of managing menstrual hygiene. She addressed health issues that can arise due to improper menstrual hygiene practices and provided guidance on the proper use and disposal of sanitary napkins during the menstrual cycle. Ms G Phanimala, a WASH Professional Consultant from UNICEF, engaged in a discussion with the girls about their menstrual experiences and issues related to their menstrual cycles.

She also explained puberty, the stage at which girls undergo changes in their bodies and minds, signaling their approach to their “first menstruation” She offered advice on precautions to take when girls are alone or in unfamiliar places.In addition to describing menstruation as a normal, natural process that typically begins between the ages of 9 and 16 but may vary for each individual, she discussed the menstrual period, which typically lasts from 2 to 7 days. Dr J Vanishree, CGSD Assistant Professor at NIRDPR, summarized the importance of menstrual hygiene management and sought input from adolescent girls on how to handle a woman’s first menstruation in her lifetime. The feedback from the adolescent girls indicated that they found the session on menstrual hygiene management highly beneficial and that the workshop helped them reinforce their knowledge.