Delhi LG holds meeting to review deteriorating air quality situation

New Delhi, Nov 4 (Agency) Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena held a meeting with Environment Minister Gopal Rai on Friday evening to review the situation arising out of air pollution in the national capital. In the meeting, LG reiterated that the situation was “worrisome” and expressed grave concern over the unmitigated rise in AQI levels, LG office communiqué said.

It was decided to take several interim measures including the environment department will issue advisories for the people asking for children and elderly people to take extra care and remain indoors as far as possible, an appeal will be made to people to remain indoors as far as possible and avoid unnecessary travel and if necessary, to use public transport, so as to ensure lesser volume of traffic and therefore, reduced emissions and dust pollution, CAQM measures with regards to GRAP, to be strictly implemented on ground, with compliance being ensured by all stakeholder departments and officers, all mechanized road sweepers, water sprinklers and anti-smog guns (Static, Mobile and those over High Rises) to be optimally used, even in double shifts, if required and health department to ensure that all its facilities are in a state of readiness to assist any resident of the City, who needs help.

Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai, Chief Secretary (on video conference), Chairman (DPCC), Secretary (Environment) and Member Secretary (DPCC) were present in the meeting. However, Delhi Chief Minister, who was out of Delhi, could not attend it, the statement said. The LG reiterated the need to put in place a long term permanent plan of action, which is earnestly implemented once the on-going emergency gets over.