Cyclonic Circulation likely to emerge over South Andaman Sea: Met

Amaravati, Nov 23 (Agency) A Cyclonic Circulation is likely to emerge over South Andaman Sea & neighbourhood around November 25. Under its influence, a Low Pressure Area is likely to form over South Andaman Sea & neighbourhood around November 20. It is likely to move west-northwestwards and intensify into a Depression over Southeast Bay of Bengal & adjoining Andaman Sea around November 27, Meteorological Centre said on Thursday. In a daily weather report here, it said that thunderstorms accompanied with lightning are likely to occur at isolated places in South Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Rayalaseema during the next 24 hours.

Light to moderate rain or thundershowers is likely to occur at a few places in North Coastal Andhra Pradesh & Yanam, South Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Rayalaseema during the next seven days. Rainfall occurred at few places over Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Rayalaseema and dry weather prevailed over Yanam during the last 24 hours. Northeast monsoon has been Normal over Coastal Andhra Pradesh & Yanam and Rayalaseema, the report added.