United Nations, Oct 12 (Bureau) India on Tuesday said that while the world condemns anti-semitism, Islamophobia and Christianophobia, it fails to recognise that there are more virulent forms of religious phobias emerging and taking roots, including anti-Hindu, anti-Buddhist and anti-Sikh phobias, and the resultant destruction of temples, glorification of breaking of idols in temples, violation of gurudwara premises, massacre of Sikh pilgrims in gurudwaras, and the destruction of Bamyan Buddhas. In a warning, India said that the inability of the international community to “even acknowledge” these atrocities and phobias only gives those forces encouragement that “phobias against some religions are more acceptable than those against others”. “If we choose to be selective about criticizing such phobias or ignoring them, we do so at our own peril.” In strong remarks at the UN Security Council, on an issue rarely highlighted or spoken about, Minister of State for External Affairs V. Muraleedharan said that the world is witness to how member-states are facing newer form of religious phobias. “While we have condemned anti-semitism, Islamophobia and Christianophobia, we fail to recognise that there are more virulent forms of religious phobias emerging and taking roots, including anti-Hindu, anti-Buddhist and anti-Sikh phobias.
We have seen in our own neighbourhood and elsewhere the destruction of temples, glorification of breaking of idols in temples, violation of gurudwara premises, massacre of Sikh pilgrims in gurudwaras, destruction of Bamyan Buddhas and other religious iconic sites. Our inability to even acknowledge these atrocities and phobias only gives those forces encouragement that phobias against some religions are more acceptable than those against others. If we choose to be selective about criticizing such phobias or ignoring them, we do so at our own peril,” he said. Addressing the UNSC High Level Open Debate ‘Peacebuilding and sustaining peace-Diversity, State-building and the search for peace’, he said that terrorism is a clear manifestation of how forces inimical to unity and diversity can seek to destroy the social cohesion and democratic fabric of countries by, inter alia, fomenting disaffection, hatred and violence. He cited the increasing spread of terrorism in Africa as a matter of serious concern. “What is even more unfortunate is that these terrorist forces and groups are receiving encouragement from member-states which seek to divide communities by legitimizing terrorist activities.” He said the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy has clearly reinforced yet again that terrorism cannot be justified under any ground and that no country should provide an excuse for such activities. It is equally important that UN organizations take GCTS as a template and not give any encouragement or excuse, even indirectly, to efforts of member-states to justify terrorism in any way. On Afghanistan, he said the change in authority in Kabul was “neither through negotiations, nor inclusive”.
“We have consistently called for a broad based, inclusive process that involves representation of all section of Afghans. The expectations of the international community on Afghanistan, including on combating terrorism, are set out clearly in UNSC Resolution 2593. It is important that commitments made in this regard are respected and adhered to,” he said, referring to the UNSC resolution passed under India’s presidency in August. Muraleedharan said it is time for the world to look at peace-building in the broader context and in a more focused manner, especially in the context of COVID pandemic, which is threatening to erode the gains we have made over the years. “The 2020 Review of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture that concluded last year gave us a new set of ‘twin resolutions’ on peacebuilding and sustaining peace. We appreciate that as part of its 2020-24 strategy, the Peace Building Fund has put forth a comprehensive scenario, covering a horizon of five years.” “India has always played a constructive and significant role in the context of peacebuilding through its extensive development partnership with developing countries, particularly in Africa and Asia and with LDCs (least developed countries), LLDCs (landlocked developing countries) and SIDS (small island developing states).
“India has and continues to assist countries bilaterally in post-conflict situations by providing substantial grants and soft loans. Apart from focusing on infrastructure, especially housing, education and health, on connectivity, on providing livelihood to those impacted by conflict, especially in agriculture, and on projects at the grassroot level, which directly impact the lives of people, India also provides extensive education training and capacity building, including vocational training and in IT focusing particularly on the youth,” he stressed. Earlier in the speech he said that while dealing with countries coming out of conflict and going into peace building, it is critical to put in place strong legal framework as well as build credible institutions based on solid principles. “This will also ensure that diversity is protected, and inclusivity is fostered.” “The challenge will always be to make trade-off between the immediate and long-term. We believe the UN system as a whole should work closely with member states and regional organizations in line with their national requirement and needs and not advocate imposition of ideas of solutions from outside,” he said in a pointed remark at the UN.