New Delhi, Apr 1 (FN Agency) Superstar film actor Rajinikanth will be conferred with prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke award, the top honour for Indian film industry. Announcing the decision, Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar said on Thursday said that it was a unanimous decision which will make Rajinikanth the 51st recipient of this award. The award ceremony is likely to be held on April 3.
‘Happy to announce Dadasaheb Phalke award for 2020 to one of the greatest actors in history of Indian cinema Rajnikant ji. His contribution as actor, producer and screenwriter has been iconic,’ Mr Javadekar tweeted. Born on December 12, 1950, Shivaji Rao Gaekwad popularly known as Rajinikanth works primarily in Tamil cinema. In addition to acting, he has also worked as a producer and screenwriter. He has won many awards, including four Tamil Nadu State Film Best Actor Awards and a Filmfare Best Tamil Actor Award. Rajnikanth was also honored him with the Padma Bhushan in 2000 and the Padma Vibhushan in 2016. He received the Chevalier Sivaji Ganesan Award for Excellence in Indian Cinema at the 4th Vijay Awards.
At the 45th International Film Festival of India (2014), he was conferred with the “Centenary Award for Indian Film Personality of the Year”. At the 50th edition of the International Film Festival of India (2019), he was honoured with the Icon of Global Jubilee award. He is the second-highest grossing actor in Tamil cinema history after veteran MG Ramachandran.