Nurmahal,May 9 (Representative) The Bilga police have arrested a travel agent for duping a man of Rs2.41 lakh on the pretext of sending him abroad. The Station House Officer (SHO) H.S.Maan said that the accused has been identified Balwindar Singh alias Goti son of Sagali Ram a resident of Mohalla Samra, Mehat Pur. SHO said that Sohan lal a resident of Farwala village had complained to Jalandhar (rural) senior superintendent of police (SSP) that he had paid Rs 2.41 Lakhs to the accused for facilitating his migration abroad.
However, he was neither sent him abroad nor returned the money. SHO said a case under Sections 406 (breach of trust) and 420 (cheating) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and section 13 of the Punjab Travel Profession Act was registered against the accused.