Tirupati, Jul 21 (Representative) Tirupati East police has busted a high-tech prostitution racket in the temple town by arresting two women organisers, hailing from Bellary in Karnataka, and two clients, late on Tuesday night. A Police team led by Circle Inspector Siva Prasad Reddy, raided a house at Sri Nagar Colony near Jeevakona locality in the city and arrested two women organisers of the flesh trade along with two clients, who were present at the time of raid, Tirupati East police said.
During the investigation, it was found that two women, who were shifted to Tirupati from Bellary, trafficked young women from Bengaluru and Gudivada (Andhra Pradesh) and forced them into the flesh trade. The women had been operating the high-tech prostitution racket by approaching clients on WhatsApp, police added.