Thane, Jul 2 (Agency) Officials of the Crime Branch Unit V (Wagle) arrested two persons and seized from them Ambergris worth Rs 4.30 crores, police said on Friday. Talking to UNI, senior Inspector Vikas Ghodke of the Crime Branch Unit V (Wagle) told that acting on a tip-off that some persons were coming to the city to sell the banned item the police laid a trap. The police team spotted the duo arrive in a two-wheeler at the old Octroi post at Ghodbunder on Thursday evening and upon searching found them carrying the banned item.
The police seized 4.100 kgs of the Ambergris from their possession and the police did not reveal their names and identify for specific reasons. An offence under various sections of the Wildlife Protection Act has been registered against the duo with the Kasarwadavli police station. The police are now trying to find out the source of the seized item and to whom the duo was to sell them. Ambergris is used in the manufacture of very costly perfume, in medicines in some cases, cigarettes, liquor and to give taste to the food items.