Palghar, May 4 (Agency) The MBVV (Mira Bhayandar Vasai Virar) Police on Monday seized banned tobacco products worth Rs 39.69 lakh from two containers parked near a hotel at Dahanu on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad highway and arrested their drivers in this connection. Acting on a specific information, a police team raided the location in Kasa of Dahanu and found the two containers loaded with banned tobacco products. Police have seized the two containers collectively worth Rs 40 lakh. The drivers of the two containers — Madanlal Premchand Prajapati and Nareshkumar Balvirsingh — were arrested, police said.
Earlier, on April 28, the police arrested one Shakhil Mohmammad Samir Khan and seized banned tobacco products worth Rs 36.56 lakh from a container worth Rs 20 lakh from Nalla Sopara. During his interrogation, they came to know about other two containers and also seized them with the stock. So far, police have seized banned gutka, tobacco products and vehicles worth Rs 1,36,25,000 and arrested three people in this connection. An offence under section 328 of Indian Penal Code and other relevant sections of the Food & Drugs Administration regulations have been registered with the Valiv police station in regards to the seizure, sources added.