Vijayawada division in SCR earns Rs 5,614 Cr. during 2023-24 FY

Vijayawada, Apr 3 (Agency) The Vijayawada Railway Division in the SCR has earned Rs 5,614.13 crore during the fiscal year 2023-24. The earnings include Gross Revenue, Freight Revenue, Passenger Revenue, Ticket Checking earnings, Other Coaching Earnings & Sundry earnings. This is the highest ever gross earnings achieved in the history of Vijayawada Division. The previous best earnings was Rs.5311.8 Crore during the last Year. This is the first time ever Vijayawada Division had ever breached Rs. 5500 Cr mark in annals of Vijayawada Division history.Contribution from different segments include 72% from Freight business, 24% from Passenger business, 1.8% from Other Coaching and 1.3% from Sundries.

Freight earnings breached Rs 4000 Cr mark for the first time ever in the history of Vijayawada Division. Division achieved Passenger revenue of Rs. 1379.3 Cr during 2023-24, 10.63% more than 2022-23. This is the highest passenger revenue achieved ever. Vijayawada Division recorded a total of 63.473 million originating passengers in 2023-24 registering an increase of 3.18% more than last year. Vijayawada division loaded 36.63 MT of cargo in 2023-24 which is 9.03% above the last year. The Goods earnings of Vijayawada Division in 2023-2024 is Rs. 4057.01 Cr. which is 3.69% higher as compared to 2022-23. This is the highest ever freight earnings achieved.