Mumbai, Jul 29 (FN Agency) Snapping a losing streak of last three sessions, the BSE Sensex on Thursday jumped 209.36 points at 52,653.07 on the strength of Metal, Materials, Realty and IT stocks amid positive Asian Market. The Nifty too rose by 69.05 points to 15,778.45. Sliding over 500 points in last three sessions, the sensex opened strong at 52,693.53, advancing by 249 points. During the day, it surged 334 points to 52,777.18, day’s high before closing at 52,653.07, up by 209.36 points from its previous close. The sensex registered day’s high and low at 52,777.18 and 52,561.39 points respectively.
The Nifty recorded day’s high and low at 15,817.35 and 15,737.80 points respectively. The sectoral indices that pushed the market up were Metal, Materials, Realty and IT stocks. In scrips, Tata Steel was a star gainer up by 6.85 per cent to Rs 1458.60 followed by Bajaj Finserv, SBI, HCl Technology and Sun Pharma. However, selling in Maruti Suzuki, Powergrid, Bajaj Auto, ITC and Hind Unilever restricted from further gains, broker said. The Mid Cap and Small Cap were up by 0.39 and 0.90 per cent respectively. In 30 scrips, 16 advanced while 14 declined.