Mumbai, Jan 14 (Agency) Breaking a rally of five sessions, the BSE Sensex on Friday fell by 12.27 points to settle at 61,223.03 because of profit booking by local operators. The Nifty of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) too eased by 2.05 points at 18,255.75. The equity market witnessed high volatility on Friday as the Sensex slipped 195 per cent at 61,040.32 in the opening session. During the day, it was lost nearly 478 points at 60,757.03, the day’s low, before closing at 61,223.03, easing 12.27 points from its previous close. Meanwhile, it was rose 89 points at 61,324.59, the day’s high. The Sensex registered the day’s high and low at 61,324.59 and 60,757.03 respectively. The Nifty recorded the day’s high and low at 18,286.96 and 18,119.65 respectively.
Sectoral indices like telecom, bankex, utilities and health care stocks dragged the market. In scrips, Asian Paints was a major loser, down by 2.66 per cent to Rs 3,364.80 followed by Axis Bank by 2.54 per cent to Rs 721.60, Hind Unilever by 2.13 per cent to Rs 2,364.50, M & M by 1.61 per cent to Rs 880.95 and Wipro by 1.55 per cent to Rs 639.80. The gainers were Infosys by 1.64 per cent to Rs 1,928.20, L&T by 1.32 per cent to Rs 2,044.75, Tech Mahindra by 1.18 per cent to Rs 1,739.25 and HDFC Bank by 1.11 per cent to Rs 1,545.25. The Mid Cap rose by 0.22 per cent and Small Cap by 0.50 per cent. In 30 scrips, 12 advanced while 18 declined. In the Asian market too a negative trend was seen as Nikkei and Kospi fell by 1.3 per cent each. Shanghai too dropped by 1 per cent. Similarly, Hang Seng and Taiwan too eased by 0.2 per cent each.