Mumbai, Jul 8 (FN Agency) The BSE Sensex on Thursday tumbled down 485.82 pts to settle at 52,568.94 as selling was seen in Metal, Materials, Bankex and Finance stocks. The Nifty too fell by 151.75 pts to 15,727.90. The Sensex opened almost on a flat note at 53,065.69, rising by 11 pts. It further gained by 49 pts to 53,103.93, days high. Later, it dipped 636 pts to 52,428.84, days low before closing at 52,568.94, sliding by 485.82 pts from its last close. The Sensex registered days high and low at 53,103.03 and 52,428.84 pts respectively. The Nifty recorded days high and low at 15,885.75 sand 15,682.90 pts respectively.
The sectoral indices like Metal, Materials, Bankex, Finance and Auto dragged the market. In scrips, Tata Steel, Sun Pharma, Dr Reddy Lab, ICICI Bank and SBI tumbled down, however, buying in Tech Mahindra, Bajaj Auto, Powergrid, IndusInd Bank and HCL Technology capped from further losses. The Mid Cap eased by 0.37 pc and Small Cap by 0.09 pc. In 30 scrips, 6 advanced while 24 declined.