Hyderabad, Sep 21 (Agency) Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das on Wednesday launched Union Bank of India’s Credit Card payment through UPI and UPI Lite at Mumbai. Das launched the Bank’s Credit Card payment in the presence of Nandan Nilekani, Advisor to NPCI at a Global Fintech Fest. With the launch of UPI Credit Card, Union Bank Rupay Credit Card holders can now seamlessly make UPI payments to merchants through BHIM app.
Also, Customers can Scan UPI QR code of merchants and make payment using his Credit Card. At present, the functionality is enabled on BHIM App of NPCI for Union Bank Rupay Credit Card holders. Shortly the product will be enabled for other UPI apps in the payment ecosystem, a release here said. With the launch of UPI Lite, Union Bank Customers can make small UPI payments (up to Rs.200) without UPI PIN. This feature is at present enabled on NPCI BHIM App. Once the existing UPI customer opts in for the UPI Lite, a replenishable value of maximum Rs.2000 is created from the Customer’s account. This will give an extra edge to the Customers by offering near to NIL transaction failure even at peak hours. Customers can also perform unlimited transactions in a day using UPI Lite, the release added.