New Delhi, June 10 (Bureau) Ministry of Coal on Friday said it has finalised action plan for 2022-23 focussing on 15 crucial areas such as grey hydrogen, coal trading platform, quality issues and coal pricing reforms.The Ministry also stated that its Coking Coal Mission aims to increase production of coking coal from 45 million ton (MT) in financial year 2020-21 to 140 MT by 2029-30.”
The areas covered (under the action plan) step up the major reforms done in the last few years and also give direction for covering and meeting the existing and the emerging challenges of the coal sector and aligns itself well with the emerging technologies and diversification thrust of the coal sector,” the Ministry said in a statement.The statement said that Coal India Ltd (CIL)’s share in the total coking coal production would be 105 MT in FY30.The futuristic agenda of the Ministry includes coal to chemical, and diversification of CIL business into charging pods, EVs, and acquisition and mergers of similar or new business after due diligence.