New Delhi, Sep 21 (FN Agency) Adding 1,600 crore per day over the last year and with a total wealth of Rs 10,94,400 crore, Gautam Adani overtook Mukesh Ambani to secure the richest Indian title for the first time in IIFL Wealth-Hurun India Rich List 2022. In 2021, Mukesh Ambani was ahead of Adani’s wealth by Rs 2 lakh crore but in 2022 Adani is ahead of Ambani by Rs 3 lakh crore. As per the report, adding Rs 41,700 crore to register a cumulative wealth of Rs 2,05,400 crore, Cyrus Poonawalla stormed into third position in the Rich List. As many as 185 billionaires in IIFL Wealth-Hurun India Rich List 2022 are from Delhi with cumulative wealth of the capital-based business tycoons standing at Rs 13.90 lakh crore, according to the compilation released on Wednesday.
The IIFL Wealth Hurun India Rich List 2022 is a compilation of the richest individuals in India having a wealth of Rs 1,000 crore or more. Automobile and auto-component sectors accounted for the highest number of wealth creators from Delhi. Dabur India and Hero MotoCorp contributed the highest number of individuals to the state rich list — four each. With a wealth of about Rs 1.86 lakh crore, software service company HCL’s Shiv Nadar topped Delhi’s rich list for 2022. The report said Campus Activewear’s Hari Krishan Aggarwal was the biggest wealth gainer in Delhi with a total wealth increase of 233 per cent. “Delhi is one of the fastest growing economies in India and not surprisingly over 185 individuals hail from Delhi as part of the Rich List 2022.
The contribution of women wealth creators has been steadily rising, and specifically in Delhi, there are 12 women wealth creators who have secured their place in the rich list this time,” said Anirudha Taparia, Joint CEO, IIFL Wealth. Anas Rahman Junaid, MD and Chief Researcher, Hurun India, said the number of entrants in IIFL Wealth Hurun Delhi Rich List has grown from just under 25 ten years ago to 185 today. “Being one of the fastest growing states in the country, Delhi will continue to be one of the biggest energy suppliers to India’s wealth engine,” noted Junaid in the media statement. Commenting on the impressive rise in billionaires at national level, Junaid said the trends in IIFL Wealth Hurun India Rich List 2022 prove that India has taken booster shots against the global crisis. “Be it Ukraine War or inflationary pressures, the Indian growth story continues against all odds as 149 individuals entered the IIFL Wealth Hurun India Rich list of 1,103 who cumulatively have a wealth of Rs 100 lakh crore,” concluded Junaid.