Haldwani, Mar 8 (Agency) Almora district Police on Monday arrested three alleged drug peddlers with Ganja worth Rs 3,15,000 at Bhikiyasain Chowki Tiraha under the Bhatronjkhan police station. District Police Media-cell In-charge Hema Aithani said here that Shameem (37), Sonu (32), and Hemant Singh (50) were arrested on Monday when a car was stopped for checking at Bhikiyasain Chowki Tiraha under the Bhatronjkhan police station.
During the checking, police team recovered 78.890 kg Ganja from the car and the value of the illicit item was estimated at Rs 3,15,000, she said. All the arrested accused are residents of different districts of Uttar Pradesh. The police have registered a case under the NDPS act and seized the vehicle used in Ganja trafficking.