Madurai (Tamil Nadu), Apr 12 (FN Bureau) The 12-day annual Chithirai festival, also popularly called “Chithirai Brahmotsavam of the World-renowned Sri Meenakshi-Sundareswarar Temple, had a colourful start on Friday morning with the ceremonious “Dwajarohanam” (Flag hoisting) inside the temple in Madurai city. The celestial flag was hoisted atop the gold-plated 56-feet-high “dwajasthambam” (flag mast) of Lord Sundareswarar, amidst the chanting of Vedic hymns by the temple priests and bhattars during the pre-designated “Mithuna Lagnam” between 0955 AM and 10.19 AM. The priests performed the “deeparadhana” on the flag mast. A large number of devotees, including women and children, congregated at the temple to witness the flag hoisting ceremony.
The idols of Goddess Meenakshi and Lord Sundareswarar were brought in a silver palanquin to the Kambathadi Mandapam, where special pujas were performed to the deities before the ceremonial flag hoisting event. As part of the Chithirai festival, the “Meenakshi Pattabishekam” (coronation for the goddess Meenakshi) will take place on April 19, and the famous “Thirukkalyanam” (celestial wedding) of Goddess Meenakshi and Lord Sundareswarar will be held on April 21. The temple car festival was slated for April 22, followed by the spectacular “Lord Kallazhagar entering the River Vaigai” event on April 23. Tamil Nadu Minister for Information Technology and Digital Services, Dr Palanivel Thiaga Rajan, attended the event and offered worship. The Hindu Religious and Endowment Department officials have made elaborate arrangements, as lakhs of devotees from various parts of the country and abroad were expected to participate in the Chithirai festival.