Chennai, Sep 29 (Bureau) The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)launched a multi-phase ‘Operation Garuda’ against illicit drugtrafficking network, registered 127 new cases, arrested 175 peopleand seized huge quantity of narcotic drugs. During this Special Operation from several State Police forcesincluding Punjab, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Maharashtraand NCB, around 6600 suspects/persons checked; 127 new casesregistered and around 175 persons including six Absconders/Proclaimed Offenders arrested.Illicit Drugs and Psychotropic Substances including 5.125 kg heroin;33.936 kg Ganja; 3.29 kg Charas; 1365 gm Mephedrone; 33.80 Smack;around 87 tablets, 122 injections and 87 syringes of Buprenorphine;946 Tablets of Alpazolam; 105.997 kg Tramadol; 10 gm Hash oil;0.9 gm ecstacy pills; 1.150 kg Opium; 30 kg Poppy Husk; 1.437 kgIntoxicant powder and 11,039 Pills/Capsules, were recovered. A CBI release here today said the operation seeks to disrupt,degrade and dismantle drug networks with international linkagesthrough rapid exchange of criminal intelligence on drug traffickingand coordinated law enforcement actions across international jurisdiction through Interpol.
This global operation was initiated in close coordination withInterpol and Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) for combating smuggling of illicit drugs and psychotropic substances, withspecial focus on Indian Ocean Region. Drug trafficking networks with international linkages requirelaw enforcement cooperation across international jurisdiction. ‘Operation Garuda’, CBI led global operation, seeks to targetdrug networks with international footprints for action againsthandlers, operatives, production zones and support elements. The CBI and NCB have been closely coordinating with allStates/UTs Police agencies for information exchange, analysis and development of operational information. During the Operation Garuda searches, seizures and arrestswere carried out across multiple States/UT in India. Apart fromCBI and NCB, eight States/UT Police including Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Delhi and Manipurhave also participated in this Operation.