Mumbai, Nov 23 (UNI) The BSE Sensex on Monday added another gain of 194.90 pts to 44,077.15 following gains in IT, Energy, Technology and Health Care stocks. The Nifty of national stock exchange too rose by 67.40 pts at 12,926.45. In opening trade, the BSE Sensex moved up by 282 pts to 44,164.17. It spurted by 389 pts to 44,271.15, days high before closing at 44,077.15, advancing by 194.90 pts from its last close. It was down by 135 pts to 43,747.22, days low. The sensex registered days high and low at 44,271.15 and 43,747.22 pts respectively. The Nifty recorded days high and low at 12,968.85 and 12,825.70 pts respectively.
The sectoral indices that kept the market firm were IT, Technology, Oil and Gas and Energy stocks. The scrips that increased were ONGC, Indusind Bank, Infosys, Tech Mahindra and Bajaj Finserv. The Mid Cap rose by 1.25 pc and Small Cap by 1.37 pc. In 30 scrips, 20 advanced while 10 declined.