Mumbai, Aug 27 (FN Agency) The BSE Sensex on Friday ended record high at 56,124.72 advancing by 175.62 pts following gains in Capital Goods, Power, Metal and Utilities stocks amid positive global cues. The Nifty too moved up by 68.30 pts at 16,705.20. Despite high volatility, the equity market ended on top, as the Sensex opened weak at 55,862.93, fell 87 pts. It was tumbled down nearly 274 pts to 55,675.87, days low. In late trade, it was bounced back and finished in green, breaching 56K level at 56,124.72, up by 175.62 pts from its previous close. It was registered days high at 56,188.23 pts, surging 239 pts.
The sensex registered days high and low at 56,188.23 and 55,675.87 pts respectively. The Nifty recorded days high and low at 16,722.03 and 16,565.60 pts respectively. The scrips that lifted the market were Ultracemco, L& T, Dr Reddy’s Lab, Bajaj Finserv and Sun Pharma. However, selling in Infosys, IndusInd Bank, M& M and Nestle India restricted from further gains, broker informed. The Mid Cap rose by 1.04 pc and Small Cap by 0.93 pc. In 30 scrips, 20 advanced while 10 declined. Asian market was seen up today, as Taiwan Weighted by 0.84 pc, Set Composite by 0.58 pc and Shanghai Composite by 0.59 pc.