Chandigarh, Jul 21 (Agency) Punjab Vigilance Bureau arrested a Junior Assistant of Education department for taking bribe of Rs 1 lakh. Stating this here on Wednesday, a spokesperson of the Vigilance Bureau said Pritpal Singh, Junior Assistant (JA) posted in the office of District Education Officer (Elementary) SAS Nagar has been nabbed red-handed on the complaint of Karamjeet Singh, posted as ETT teacher in the same district.
The complainant has approached the Bureau and informed that accused Pritpal Singh was demanding 40 per cent of total amount as a bribe to clear his pending dues when he was under suspension. After verifying this information, the vigilance team laid a trap and the accused Junior Assistant was arrested on the spot while taking bribe of Rs one lakh from the complainant in the presence of two official witnesses. He informed that a case under section of Prevention of Corruption Act has been registered against him and further investigation is under progress.