Panaji, Jul 8 (Agency) As a part of ongoing nation wide agitation launched by Congress Party, Goa Pradesh Congress Committee (GPCC) along with Mahila Congress and Youth Congress took out a rally from Congress House to Collector Office in the city. The rally was to register a strong opposition against the spiralling rise in price of petrol and diesel and also increase in the prices of essential commodities including edible oil and cooking Gas.
The rally was attended by GPCC President Girish Chodankar, Vice President and Incharge of agitational program Altinho Gomes, General Secretary Amarnath Panjikar and Beena Naik, Mahila Congress Chief along with Youth Congress President Advocate Varad Mardolkar and South Goa District President Joe Dias. Addressing the Congress functionaries who participated in the rally, GPCC President Girish Chodankar said Union Government has accepted of collecting Rs 2 lakh crores in financial year 2022 as incremental income from petrol and diesel, excise duties and cess.
”As of 2nd of June there were 43 hikes over the year in fuel prices and there are 16 hikes in the month of May. The governments tax collection on just petrol and diesel alone has increased 300 per cent in last six years. The impact of the fuel price hike and cooking gas has hit the common man,” he said He demanded that petrol price should cut down to Rs 35.63 per liter and diesel at Rs 38.16 per liter. Others who spoke were Altinho Gomes, Vice President and incharge of agitaional program, Mahila Congress president Beena Naik, Adv Varad Mardolkar, Youth Congress President and Adv Archit Naik State General Secretary Youth Congress.