Lucknow, Jul 8 (Representative) Uttar Pradesh on Thursday became number one state in administering Covid-19 vaccines in the country. UP has left behind all other states in terms of total vaccination, said state additional chief secretary (information) Navneet Sehgal here on Thursday. He claimed that UP had surpassed Maharashtra to become number No 1 state in terms of total number of vaccines administered which were 3,58,35,932 so far. Maharashtra is number two with 3,56,98,916 vaccinations so far.
Mr Sehgel said more than 3 crore people were given the first dose of the vaccine in UP. He said, UP had also become the first state in the country where the first dose of more than 3 crore vaccines were administered. More than 5 lakh doses of vaccines were administered in UP today itself, he said.