Post COVID homeopathy to boost immunity

Apart from Cuba, India is the only country to officially explore homoeopathy as part of its covid-19 prevention, treatment and research protocol. So far, it has only been on mild and asymptomatic patients. But soon, he adds, they will start testing homoeopathy add-on medicines on patients with severe symptoms as well.

India’s had a high rate of recovery cases from COVID-19. Over 2.8 crore people out of approx 2.9 crore people beat the infection, that’s almost a 90% recovery rate. However there is a subset of patients, who despite beating their COVID infection, will continue to experience health complications that last for months. This is called ‘Long COVID’ or Post-COVID wherein patients suffer from health problems such as weakness, lung complications, gastric issues, depression and hair loss.

Homeopathy has been repeatedly used during different epidemics to improve immunity. In fact, the phrase, ‘genus epidemicus’ was coined by the founder of homoeopathy, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, to indicate the remedy which could serve as a prophylactic during epidemics. Amongst the more recent illnesses, it seems to indicate that homoeopathic treatment and prophylaxis for dengue and swine flu may be beneficial. An important example of improved immunity against a specific infectious disease using homoeopathic medicines is the story of leptospirosis in Cuba. What is most relevant about this is that leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that humans contract from animals and the usual prophylaxis prepared with conventional medicines were unavailable.

Homoeopathic prescriptions rely on the collection of symptoms to identify medicines that may treat or protect against disease. The wealth of information available in peer-reviewed literature allows homoeopaths to suggest remedies which may be helpful. However, only time and an evidence-based approach in assessing the protective effect of the different homoeopathic medicines being considered will allow us to determine which ones have had an impact. As we get more time to understand the nature of this new virus and how the human body reacts to it, advice from doctors and public health agencies may change. What remains constant is that the simple acts of wearing a mask, washing your hands, keeping social distance, avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth, drastically reduce our chances of contracting an infection like COVID-19.

Post COVID Chronic Cough and Breathlessness:
Homeopathy has proven efficacy against respiratory illnesses and also provides symptomatic relief. A clinical study published by the National Library of Medicine (NIH) shows its efficacy in combating respiratory infections.

Post COVID depression:
A clinical trial supported the efficacy and safety of homeopathic treatments for depression. The trial concluded that when patients received homeopathic treatments they reported lower rates of depression.

Post COVID Hairloss:
According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information in the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the homeopathic remedy Thuja promotes hair growth by inducing the anagen phase in resting hair follicles and is therefore a hair growth-promoting agent.

Post COVID gastrointestinal issues:
Homeopathy is used to provide relief from a range of gastrointestinal issues. According to, a study that was conducted in 25 cases of acute diarrhea observed that 97% of cases were cured which clearly indicates that homoeopathic remedies definitely have the power to cure the acute diarrhoeal condition.

Post COVID weakness:
In 2004, the journal of Psychosomatic Research conducted an extensive triple blind trial on the effectiveness of individualized homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. This trial was carried out over six months and results showed that homeopathy treatment had a significant improvement over placebo.

How Homeopathy Helps:
Homeopathy has been recommended as a complementary medicine to strengthen immunity and support efforts to recover from Post-COVID symptoms. The use of Homeopathy as an immunity booster during epidemics is well documented by The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRHINDIA).

Post COVID Homeopathic Treatment at Dr Batra’s:
Dr Batra’s has provided over 2 crore doses of the AYUSH Ministry recommended immunity booster – Arsenic Alb 30 during the 2020-2021. In the last 3 months, 40% of family members of patients who hadn’t taken the preventive doses, presented with Post COVID symptoms. Dr Batra’s Homeopathic doctors with expertise in Post-COVID complications successfully treated these patients with safe and side-effect free homeopathy.

A Post COVID treatment tailored for patients:
To help patients overcome their post-COVID complications. Dr Batra’s has designed a comprehensive treatment regime @Rs 2999/-. To know more, call us on 9167791677.

About Dr Batra’s Homeopathy Clinics
With over 200 clinics in around 150 cities across 7 countries including India, UK, Estonia, UAE and Greece, Dr Batra’s Homeopathy Clinics has over 400 doctors including skin specialists, hair specialists and experienced homeopathic doctors. Dr Batra’s has treated over 1 million patients and been recognised as an ‘Icon of Indigenous Excellence in Healthcare’ by The Economic Times. Dr Batra’s specializes in Hair, Skin, Allergies, Child and Women’s Health, Mental Health, Sexual Health and Weight Management ailments including Hair loss, Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Acne, Low immunity, Tonsillitis, Stress Management, Migraine, Thyroid, PCOS, Menopause, Allergies, Sexual Health, Weight Management, Infertility and Male Infertility.