Chennai, Aug 13 (FN Representative) Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K.Stalin on Sunday announced a cash award of Rs 1.10 crore to the Indian team for winning the Asian Champions Trophy Hockey title. India defeated Malaysia 4-3, coming back from a two goal deficit, to annexe the title for the fourth time in front of a packed gathering on Saturday night. The match was witnessed by Mr Stalin, Union Sports Minister Anurag Singh Thakur, Tamil Nadu Sports Development Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin and others. Mr Stalin posted on X (formerly twitter) “Congratulations to TeamIndia on clinching their 4th AsianChampionsTrophy title with a fighting come back!”
“A remarkable feat that showcases their dedication and prowess”, he said. “I am pleased to announce a reward of 1,10,00,000 INR to the Indian team on their fantastic victory”, he added. “#Chennai, known for its sports-loving spirit, has been a splendid host. Grateful to Hon’ble @ianuragthakur for gracing the trophy distribution ceremony”, Mr Stalin said. “Commendable efforts by Hon’ble @UdhayStalin, @SportsTN_, @Atulya misraias, @jmeghanathreddy, @TheHockeyIndia to have successfully organised this grand international event”, he said. Meanwhile, Hockey India also announced a cash award of Rs 3 lakh per player of Team India and Rs 1.5 lakh each for the support staff for winning the title.