New Delhi, May 8 (Agency) On the occasion of Mother’s Day, Indian batting greats Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli expressed love for their moms on social media. Taking to Twitter, Sachin shared a picture of his mother with a cat and captioned it: “We may have a thousand worries in the world, but our mother’s main worry will still remain whether we’ve had food on time. Such is a mother’s love! Here’s my Aai with our adopted cat. They share a special bond – he has his meals only when Aai is having hers.”
Virat tweeted: “A lot of love and happiness to all mother’s. Your strength is unmatched and here’s wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day.” Gujarat Titans and Afghanistan spinner Rashid Khan penned an emotional post for his late mother. “Dear Mom, could you come back and stay for a while, I want to hear your voice and see you smile. I want to hold you tight and never let you go and tell u how much I love you. Remembering you is easy, I do it every day, but missing you is the heartache that never goes away,” Rashid wrote. Mother’s Day is celebrated around the world on different dates every year. It is largely acknowledged on the second Sunday of May every year in India.