Chandigarh, June 18 (Agency) Punjab Sports and Youth Services Minister Rana Gurmit Singh Sodhi, on Friday, launched a special Mobile App for putting the Sports Department and all the Sports persons of State of Punjab on Digital platform. Rana Sodhi informed that this is the first time in the history of the Sports Department that the department has launched a mobile app. He said that with the launch of Mobile App named “KhedoPunjab”, the current sports persons and the budding players will be in a position to register online and can choose any game of their interest besides identifying their International/National/State goals, which will finally help in building competitive enthusiasm.
“The players through the digital platform can locate game-wise all coaching centres and wings situated in different regions of the State. With this digitization, all the activities viz attendance, punctuality, performance etc. of DSOs/Coaches can be monitored”, said Rana Sodhi, adding that the state government is spending huge amount of money @Rs.200 per player per day as diet money for Residential wings and @Rs.100 per player per day as diet money for Day-Scholar wings. Thus, the financial and administrative control will become easy through this digital platform.
Rana Gurmit Singh Sodhi, while applauding the dedicated effort of Mr. D.P.S. Kharbanda, Director Sports and Youth Services for taking this initiative, praised for his hard work for making this launch a reality. Meanwhile, Sports Director Mr. D.P.S. Kharbanda informed that this app will be available on Android and iOS mobile versions in next few days.