Mumbai, Apr 2 (FN Agency) Cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar on Friday said that he has been hospitalised under medical advice, six days after testing positive for COVID-19. The 47-year-old Master Blaster, who had tested positive for the virus on March 27 and was in home isolation ever since, took to twitter to inform about the development.
“Thank you for your wishes and prayers. As a matter of abundant precaution under medical advice, I have been hospitalised. I hope to be back home in a few days. Take care and stay safe everyone,” Tendulkar wrote. Indian cricket great, who was part of India’s historic World Cup win in 2011, also wished all Indians and his teammates on the 10th anniversary of the victory. “Wishing all Indians & my teammates on the 10th anniversary of our World Cup win,” he tweeted. Apart from Tendulkar, former India all-rounder Irfan Pathan, his elder brother Yusuf and S Badrinath have so far announced that they have tested positive for the dreaded virus. All of them recently played together in the Road Safety World Series where Tendulkar had led the Indian team to victory in the veteran’s tournament in Raipur.