New Delhi, Aug 2 (FN Bureau)Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Friday alleged that the Enforcement Directorate (ED) was planning a raid against him. He said that an ED ‘insider’ had informed him that a raid was being planned and he was waiting for them with open arms. The former Congress president hinted that the ED raid was probably being planned as a retaliation to his Budget speech in the lower house in which he mentioned ‘Chakravyuh’ which was not liked by some in the government. Taking to his micro blogging handle X, the Raebareli MP, said, “Apparently, 2 in 1 didn’t like my Chakravyuh speech.
ED ‘insiders’ tell me a raid is being planned. Waiting with open arms @dir_ed…Chai and biscuits on me.” On July 29 during a discussion on the Union Budget, Gandhi had charged the Narendra Modi government with trapping the country in a ‘Padmavyuh’ – like the ‘Chakravyuh’ of Mahabharat – and promised that the INDI alliance would restore the people’s rights. Meanwhile, Congress member Manickam Tagore on Friday moved an Adjournment Motion in the Lok Sabha for a discussion on “misuse of agencies like the ED, CBI and Income Tax for political harassment”.