New Delhi, Dec 15 (Agency) The Lok Sabha was adjourned for the day shortly after 2 pm on Friday as opposition MPs remained adamant on their demand that Union Home Minister Amit Shah make a statement on the security lapse in Parliament two days back. The House will meet at 11 am on Monday. The opposition leaders have also sought discussion on the suspension of 13 LS members for the remaining winter session over disruption in parliament proceedings on Thursday. The opposition MPs condemned the suspension, saying it is the right of every elected public representative to ask questions.
On the other hand, Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Pralhad Joshi asked the members not to politicise the issue. Meanwhile, the suspended MPs staged a protest in front of the Gandhi statue situated in Parliament premises and shouted slogans against the government. Congress MP Manish Tewari during the day gave an adjournment motion notice in the Lok Sabha seeking to discuss the security breach that occurred in Parliament on December 13.