Bhopal, Jan 13 (Agency) Former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath on Thursday attacked the Bharatiya Janata Party government in the state led by his successor Shivraj Singh Chouhan for “dishing out falsehood and providing fake assurances with hollow claims for 16-long years” on employment front. “This has been done in the context of ‘filling’ backlog and vacant posts as well. The number of registered unemployed youth is approaching the 34-lakh margin,” the senior Congress leader said after employment fairs were conducted on Wednesday in the central state and they snowballed into major drama.
“Over 11,000 highly-educated individuals were recently seen applying for 15 positions of peons, drivers, gardeners and cleanliness workers in Gwalior. “A similar situation was observed in Ujjain on 25 vacancies. “Slogans demanding work were raised during chief minister’s address during a dialogue with students in Indore. “It is shameful that the regime still refuses to accept the truth,” the Congress state president said in his social media.