New Delhi, Dec 9 (Agency) Both houses of Parliament were on Monday adjourned for the day after the ruling party and opposition members raised slogans against each other over alleged Adani and Congress-George Soros link. Both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha witnessed three adjournments during the day. The Rajya Sabha was adjourned twice before lunch hour as members continued sloganeering. While the ruling party members wanted discussion on ‘rising threats over national security due to alleged nexus between a political party and some organisations working against India’, the Opposition members claimed that the ruling party members were hell-bent to not allow the House to function. The Upper House was first adjourned till noon after protests erupted following allegations by some BJP members that a political party (apparently referring to the Congress) had links with American businessman George Soros who the saffron party claims is part of an anti-India campaign.
When some ruling party members attempted to raise the issue of billionaire George Soros, Congress leader Jairam Ramesh stood up and told the Chairman that he should not be a party to the game plan of the Centre. Senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh also accused Dhankhar of being partial. As the protests continued in the House after it reconvened at noon, the proceedings were again adjourned till 2 p.m. The House was later adjourned for the day. Meanwhile, similar scene was witnessed in the Lok Sabha with the Opposition members protesting on the Adani issue and marching into the well of the House raising slogans. Speaker Om Birla called for the House to be in order to which the Opposition did not pay heed, thus forcing the Chair to adjourn the proceedings till noon. When the House re-convened at noon, the situation remained the same and then the Presiding Officer Sandhya Ray adjourned the House till 2 pm. When the House re-assembled, the Opposition members continued their protest, and the chair then adjourned the House till 3 pm and then again for the day.
In the morning, Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar started the proceedings by stressing the need for constructive dialogue in Parliament, saying the House derives its strength and purpose from the principles enshrined in the Constitution and it was the duty of Members of Parliament to maintain and protect these principles. He said, “Under the leadership of stalwarts such as Rajendra Prasad, BR Ambedkar, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the Assembly undertook the monumental task of debating and drafting provisions that would guide the destiny of an independent India. They did so with unwavering commitment, often transcending personal and ideological differences in the spirit of nation-building”. “This House, the Rajya Sabha, derives its strength and purpose from the very principles enshrined in that Constitution. It is our duty, as Members of Parliament, to uphold and protect these principles, ensuring that the aspirations of those who came before us continue to resonate in the policies and practices of today,” the Chairman said.