Itanagar, Nov 26 (Agency) Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Sunday said that to fulfil the aspirations of the Prime Minister, the state government is taking strides toward women-led development, embracing progress, empowerment and equality for a brighter, inclusive future. Speaking at the Constitution Day celebration here at the State Legislative Assembly complex, the Chief Minister said that it was only due to the steadfast determination of the Narendra Modi Government that the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam (Women’s Reservation Bill) could become law in 2023. “The Bill serves as another reminder of the BJP Government’s unerring focus on women’s empowerment and women-led development.
It is a significant move that this year’s Constitution Day has been rechristened as the Pink Constitution Day, commemorating the passage of Women’s Reservation Bill,” said Khandu while highlighting the various initiatives taken by his government over the years for women empowerment. Paying his rich tributes to Bharat Ratna Dr BR Ambedkar on his 125th birth anniversary, the CM said that as Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution, Dr Ambedkar has left an indelible mark and legacy on the history of modern India. “The Constitution is a living document that represents a vision for a dynamic and modern India. That India was one of the first countries to offer equal voting rights to women is also a testament to the vision of our founding fathers,” he said.