Nashik, Sep 22 (FN Agency) Union Minister of State for Health Dr Bharti Pawar on Wednesday reviewed the central government’s schemes in the direction committee meeting held at the planning hall of the divisional commissioner’s office in Nashik. On this occasion Collector Gangatharan D, Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Parishad Leena Bansod, Project Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of District Rural Development System Anand Pingle, District Surgeon Dr. Ashok Thorat, District Health Officer Dr. Kapil Aher, District Superintendent Agriculture Officer Vivek Sonwane along with department heads and officers of various systems were present. Dr. Bharti Pawar said,” The issue of health in rural areas is very important. Therefore, all primary health centers and sub centers in rural areas should be empowered. Also the health center buildings which are old should be renovated.
There are 410 health wellness centers in the district and health centers should also be added to medical colleges, referral hospitals.” Planning should be done to empower the health system so that health facilities are available to everyone in the rural areas, Dr. Pawar added.Similarly, Dr. Pawar also suggested that information boards should be placed in every rural, primary and sub-divisional health center to create public awareness regarding Matratva Vandana, Janani Suraksha, Janani Shishu Suraksha Yojanas for maximum benefit of women.Camps should be organized for timely distribution of certificates to persons with disabilities.
So that they are not deprived of the plans for them, Dr. Pawar has given this time to the concerned system.She further said about 1 lakh 41 thousand farmers have taken crop insurance under Pradhan Mantri Crop Insurance Scheme 2021-22 and 89 thousand 357 farmers have received crop insurance amount. A separate list of farmers who have not received the benefit of crop insurance should be prepared and efforts should be made to provide benefits to them as well, minister said. The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has set a target of making India Tuberculosis free by the year 2025 and for this the help of Nikshay Mitra will be taken. Various industrial groups, social organizations, clubs and activists of the district should participate in this campaign. For this, he appealed to support the tuberculosis patients by registering through the online system.