New Delhi, July 19 (FN Agency) Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Tuesday said it was very important that training of policemen should change with the times. Shah made the statement at a review meeting of the Central Police Training Institutes (CPTIs) chaired by him here, which was attended Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai, Home Secretary, Directors General of the Central Police Forces and the Bureau of Police Research and Development and Heads of Central Police Training Institutes. Emphasising on strictness and sensitivity in training, the Minister said, “Along with modern techniques, there is a need to inculcate the spirit of patriotism, fitness, discipline, sensitivity and self-dedication in police forces.” Shah said the use of technology and modern equipment in training of police forces is the need of the hour, but at the same time, focus should be on basic policing and put it into practice. He stressed the need to review the impact of online training for policemen at all levels.
Shah also said under ‘Mission Karmayogi’ launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, training of police personnel up to the level of Constable, Sub Inspector and DSP should be conducted with a holistic approach. “Sixty per cent training for all policemen should be common to all, while 40 per cent training should be force-based, so that we can make the best use of our training capabilities,” the Minister said. In the meeting, presentations were made by CPTIs emphasising upon the importance of right training at the right time to build up the capacities of police personnel for providing prompt and effective responses to the ever-changing nature of security challenges. Discussions were also held on the relative merits of Hybrid Learning and Emerging Training Paradigms, Training Methodologies and Techniques, including the importance of assessment of Training Need Analysis (TNA), Productivity of Training Resources, Trainers Development, Dissemination of Best Practices, Research and Publications, Standardisation of Study Material, e-Content, Best Practices in Training Evaluation, Training Infrastructure Development, Expansion of Training Capacity, New Initiative and Innovations in Training and Training on Disaster Management.