Stalin welcomes delayed women’s quota Bill in Par, says it was passed with an eye on LS polls fearing defeat

Chennai, Sep 21 (Representative) Welcoming the ‘delayed’ Women’s Reservation Bill passedin the Parliament that provides 33 per cent quota for women in Parliament andLegislatures, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and DMK President M.K.Stalin said it wasnow passed by the BJP-led regime at the Centre, after being silent for nine longyears, only with an eye on the ensuing Lok Sabha polls fearing defeat.In a statement here last night, Mr Stalin, who has all along been supportingthis cause as TN is the first state to implement it, made a strong call to defeatthe “political conspiracy” to reduce the number of Lok Sabha seats from southIndia, through the proposed delimitation exercise based on the new populationcensus. “The census hangs as a Damoclean sword over the south Indian states. Wehave to defeat the political conspiracy to reduce the Lok Sabha seats in southIndia based on the new census”, he said.” Any attempt to cause injustice to Tamil Nadu, a State with high political awareness,should be nipped in the bud,” he declared. Mr. Stalin said Prime Minister Narendra Modi should assure the people that noinjustice would be caused to those in south India under the guise of delimitation. “I urge the Prime Minister to dispel the fear of south Indian people,” he said. Observing that the BJP government at the Centre could have passed this Billany time during its nine year long tenure if it was really genuine about it, Mr Stalinsaid “DMK MP Kanimozhi led a rally in Delhi in support of the reservation. Butthe BJP government did nothing”.

“As the election to the Lok Sabha polls is fast approaching and the BJP fearinga defeat, it has now mplemented the 33% reservation to projec it itself that thisis as an achievement,” he alleged. Not mncing any words, Mr Stalin contrasted this with what he termed as the “urgency and stubbornness” shown by the BJP in bringing in legislations forcertain other causes like the abrogation of Article 370 or the introduction of10% reservation for economically weaker sections. Mr Stalin said he would welcome and support the Bill though it had beendelayed and the BJP was bringing it in now, as an “eyewash” to divert theattention of people, from other pressing issues. “I urge those in power to also consider the fair demand that women belongingto Backward Classes (BC) and Most Backward Classes should be givenreservations in the Bill,” he added.Mr. Stalin said India was the only country that had failed to conduct a decennialcensus and the BJP government had not given any assurance on the issue. “It is really strange that the BJP is planning to enact a law to provide 33% quotafor women which will come into effect in 2029, and it is also not clear when theCensus will take place,” he said.