New Delhi, June 7 (Mayank Nigam) Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Wednesday said that the spirit of democratic decentralisation and local self-governance is realiSed by the Panchayati Raj system. Addressing the familiarisation programme for the newly elected public representatives of Zilla Parishad of Panipat and Karnal districts, the Lok Sabha Speaker expressed hope that they would do full justice to their role and live up to the expectations of the people who have elected them. During the interaction, Birla observed that ‘Panchayat Raj’ units are building blocks of democracy and the great edifice of the Indian democratic system rests much on the robustness of the Panchayati Raj Institutions of the country. He felt that the local self-governments ensure the participation of the common man in the democratic process. Reminding the representatives that the aspirations of the people should form the cornerstone of their policies, he hoped that they would uphold and exhibit the highest levels of excellence.
He said that the village lay at the centre of Indian democracy and strengthening and enriching our villages would lead to a stronger India. “The Panchayat Raj representatives have close contact with the public, they should play an important role in fulfilling the aspirations of the people through extensive discussion and dialogue”. He expounded that as a democracy we have to place greater emphasis on people-centric policies for the development of a truly progressive society. Stressing the role of participative democracy, the Lok Sabha Speaker advised that a system may be explored where Zilla Parishads could function on the lines of state and central legislatures. Sanjay Bhatia, MP Karnal and Chairpersons of Zilla Parishad of Sonipat and Karnal were also present on the occasion.