Scrap 3 new criminal laws: Delhi Bar Council

New Delhi, July 2 (Bureau) The Bar Council of Delhi on Tuesday urged Home Minister Amit Shah to roll back three criminal laws which came into force from July 1. Sanjeev Nasiar, Vice Chairman, Bar Council of Delhi, said the laws were said to be made applicable by the erstwhile government from July 1, which is much beyond the lapse of the term of the previous government. The term of the erstwhile government had expired when the new laws came into force, he said He further stressed, “As a Constitutional propriety, these laws can’t be imposed on the people in the changed circumstances, without the sanction and approval of the newly elected bodies.”

“No doubt, these amendments are in total defiance and utter disregard of the Constitutional principles and the Apex court verdict,” he said. Further, Nasiar said, “The enlargement of the period for Police detention from 15 days to 60/90 days u/s 187(3) of the new Code, is atrocious and oppressive, to say the least.” Nasiar said the power to handcuff without court permission under the new laws sends a signal of state terror amongst the public “so these laws should scrapped”. The power to handcuff without court is against the finding by Justice Krishna Iyer’s judgement. The Apex Court had held Solitary Confinement as volatile of Human Rights but the government has introduced this under the new Code, Nasiar said.