Lucknow, Nov 20 (FN Agency) Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday inaugurated Khalsa Chowk, which was previously known as Tedhi Pulia, in Alambagh area of the state capital Lucknow. While addressing the event organised to commemorate the Jyoti Jyot Diwas of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru of Sikhism and founder of Khalsa Panth, the CM while congratulating the people took a dig at the Iftar party organized in the CM’s office during the tenure of the Samajwadi Party (SP) government.He said that earlier, other types of events were organized in the CMO of UP. “After the formation of the Bharatiya Janata Party government in the state, a grand celebration of the 550th Prakash Parv of Guru Nanak Dev was organised in the CMO,” he said.Yogi said that Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj established the Khalsa Panth in 1699 to protect the religion and culture of India from foreign invaders.
“This Panth has always played a leading role in the defence of the motherland,” he said. He said that the sacrifice and dedication of Sikh Gurus inspire us all to protect our country and religion. He said that the history of Sikh Gurus reminds us of the glorious saga of India. The CM paid tribute to the Sikh community’s tradition of sacrifice, dedication, devotion to religion and service to society. He said that in the coming days, the people will get the opportunity to participate in many programmes. He mentioned upcoming celebrations, including the sacred martyrdom day of Guru Tegh Bahadur on November 24, Prakash Parv of Guru Nanak Dev on November 27 (on Kartik Purnima) and Birbal Day on December 26 and urged everyone to take pride in their history. Deputy CM Brajesh Pathak, Minister of State Parmindar Singh, Mayor Sushma Kharkwal, Gurudwara Committee Head Rajendra Singh Bagga and Head of Gurudwara Shankarnagar Alambagh Sardar Manmohan Singh Sethi, along with other members of the Sikh community, were present in large numbers on the occasion.