Odisha govt. formulates new guidelines for re-engagement of retired employees

Bhubaneswar, Sep 12 (FN Representative) The Odisha government on Thursday issued new guidelines for re-engagement of retired employees on a contractual basis As per notification issued by the General Administration & Public Grievance department, the government resolution of 2014 for the re-engagement of retired government employees on a temporary basis has been repealed. The government has decided to constitute a selection committee headed by the state Chief Secretary to decide on the re-engagement of retired government employees which will be done through open advertisement. The chief secretary will be the Chairman of the selection committee, the ACS of the GA & PG Department and the Secretary of the Finance Department will be its members, while the Secretary of the respective A/D will be its member Convenor The re-engagement of retired government employees up to the age group of 65 years would be considered with the approval of the Chief Minister.

As per the guidelines, officers having ‘outstanding’ CCR/PAR for continuous 60 months before superannuation will be considered for re-engagement temporarily after retirement. The officers against whom departmental proceedings (u/r15 or u/r 16) or criminal cases are pending or who have been penalized for misconduct during the period preceding five years shall not be considered for post-retirement re-engagement, the guideline clearly stipulated. The state government issued new guidelines as it has come to the notice that different Departments/Offices are routinely engaging retired government employees without proper justification and merely to deal with the day-to-day routine work. The new guideline prescribed that if vacancies arise for dealing the routine work, these vacancies shall not be filled up by way of re-engagement of retired employees. Instead, the Department/Office concerned shall take suitable measures to fill up the said vacancies through direct/promotional recruitment as the case may be. In the case of re-engagement of retired employees, the Department shall assess the proposal and ensure that if the experience of the concerned retired Government employee is highly required for the Government/office, then only his/her case shall be considered for re-engagement on contract basis subject to the terms conditions as prescribed in the resolution.