National Seminar on “Similipal: Communities, Biodiversity and Conservation” organized on 20th-21st December 2021

Baripada, Dec 22 (FN Representative) Deepak Kumar Muduli :An IDP-OHEPEE supported National Seminar on “Similipal: Communities, Biodiversity and Conservation” was organized on 20th-21st December 2021 in the Convention Hall Annexe of Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanja Deo University, Baripada. The meeting was jointly organized by Centre for Similipal Studies (CSS), MSCB University and Forest Department, Govt of Odisha. The meeting was presided by Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor Prof. K. K. Basa. The meeting started with the Welcome address by the Convenor Prof. H. N. Thatoi, Director, Centre for Similipal Studies, MSCBU. This was followed by address by the Field Director cum RCCF, Similipal Tiger Reserve, Sh M. Yogjayanand, IFS. Chairman P. G. Council Prof. A. K. Biswal highlighted the uniqueness of the Similipal landscape and the need of more research in this area. Chief Guest and Key note Speaker of the occasion Dr Debabrata Swain, Lokayukta, Govt of Odisha, highlighted his success stories while serving as an IFS officer in Similipal and the need of people’s participation in conserving Similipal.

The Inaugural meeting was concluded by vote of thanks by the Organizing Secretary Dr Cuckoo Mahapatra. An exhibition on Biodiversity and livelihood management was also inaugurated during the occasion. 10 SHG groups from different parts of Mayurbhanj exhibited non-timber forest products (NTFP’s) along with a pictorial display of the biodiversity of Similipal. The exhibition was organized and supported by Forest Department, Govt of Odisha. The Inaugural Function was followed by technical sessions where the Deputy Directors Similipal North and South and DFO, Baripada shared their field experiences. In the technical session “Biodiversity of Similipal”, renowned herpetologist Prof. Sushil K. Dutta, highlighted the importance of smaller fauna in the context of conservation. Dr Lala A. K. Singh, Former Senior Research Officer, Wildlife Department spoke conservation scenario of tigers in Similipal and stressed on the need of robust statistical data for proper conservation methods. Dr Pratyush P Mohapatra, Scientist, Zoological Survey of India talked on the faunal diversity and conservation issues of Similipal.

The second day of the seminar started with the talk of noted environmentalist, Dr Jayakrushhna Panigrahi, who highlighted on the menace caused by forest fires in Similipal and reflected on the steps totaken to prevent forest fires. Dr Biswajit Mohanty, former member, NBWL, stressed upon that involvement of local community is the key to develop an appropriate community-based conservation strategy in Similipal. Mr Deepak Pani, Secretary, Gram Swaraj, a local NGO explained his concept of People’s forestry School. Mr Ramakanta Mohanta, District Co-ordinator, EcoClubs, Mayurbhanj, described the role and importance of Eco-clubs in conserving Similipal. Dr Subhendu Acharya, Scientist, RMRC, Bhubaneswar, talked about the various diseases affecting the tribals and ultimately their livelihood. The main highlight of the 2 day seminar was the open forum session where environmentalists like Mr Santosh Mohanty, Mr Bhanumitra Acharya, Mr Aditya Patnaik, Mr Vivekananda Patnaik and Miss Sanjukta Basa who have several years of experience in Similipal shared their views. The meeting was closed post a Valedictory meeting where winners of poster presentation competition were awarded with prizes.