Legal action key to curbing child marriage: Report

New Delhi, July 17 (Bureau) On the occasion of the Day of International Criminal Justice on Wednesday, a report released by the India Child Protection Research team highlighted the role of legal action in combating child marriages in India. Titled ‘Towards Justice: Ending Child Marriage’, the report revealed significant progress, particularly in Assam, where interventions led to an 81 percent reduction in child marriage instances across 20 districts between 2021-22 and 2023-24. World Day for International Justice is observed on July 17 every year. Quoting data from the report, it was stated that Assam’s crackdown on child marriages resulted in the complete eradication of the practice in 30 percent of villages, with a notable decline in 40 percent of other villages.

The effectiveness of legal measures was underscored, with findings showing that legal actions like arrests and FIR filings were crucial in curbing child marriages. “In 12 out of the 20 districts, over 90 percent of respondents believe that taking legal action can effectively address child marriage,” the report highlighted. It also raised concerns over the slow pace of justice, noting that at the current rate, India could take 19 years to clear the backlog of child marriage cases pending trial in courts. Commenting on the findings, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights Chairperson Priyank Kanoongo emphasized the importance of prosecution in ending this crime against children.

He praised Assam’s model and expressed commitment to leveraging the report’s insights to strengthen child protection efforts nationwide. Bhuwan Ribhu, founder of Child Marriage Free India, echoed the sentiment, stating, “Assam has shown that legal action is crucial in deterring child marriages.” He urged for the replication of Assam’s model across India to achieve a child marriage-free nation. The report recommended the establishment of fast-track courts to expedite trials and suggested stricter penalties equivalent to those for rape for those involved in facilitating child marriages. Child Marriage Free India, part of a nationwide campaign, reported preventing thousands of child marriages through legal interventions and community engagement in the past year.