ISRO to launch GSAT-20 on board US rocket Falcon-9 in 2024 Q2

Chennai, Jan 3 (Agency) The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)will be launching its second Demand Driven satellite mission GSAT-20on board US rocket Falcon-9 during the second quarter of 2024.Since development of heavy lift rocket, to carry satellites beyond 4 tonneswas still under progress, it was decided to launch the 4,700 kg GSAT-20on board the US rocket.The NewSpace India Limited (NSIL), the commercial arm of ISRO, willundertake its 2nd Demand Driven satellite mission “GSAT-20 [renamedGSAT-N2] : Ka-band HTS satellite” during 2nd quarter of 2024, primarilyfor meeting the Broadband communication needs of the nation.NSIL on Wednesday said it was gearing up to undertake the mission.GSAT-20 satellite will be fully owned, operated and funded by NSIL.NSIL is realizing GSAT-20 satellite through ISRO and will be launched on-boardFalcon-9 under a Launch service contract between M/s NSIL and M/s SpaceX,USA.GSAT-20 weighing 4700 kg, offers HTS capacity of nearly 48Gpbs.

The satellite has been specifically designed to meet the demanding service needsof remote/ unconnected regions.As part of Space Sector reforms announced by the Union government in June 2020,NSIL was mandated to build, launch, own and operate satellites in “Demand-drivenmode” for meeting service needs of the user.As part of this, NSIL successfully undertook its first Demand-driven satellite mission,GSAT-24 during June 2022, wherein the capacity onboard the satellite was fullysecured by M/s TataPlay. GSAT-24 mission was fully funded by NSIL.Presently, NSIL owns and operates 11 communication satellites in orbit.On similar lines, during 2nd quarter of 2024, NSIL will be undertaking the GSAT-20satellite mission to offer cost-effective Ka-Ka band HTS capacity primarily for meetingthe broadband, as well as IFMC and cellular backhaul service needs.Bulk of the HTS capacity on-board GSAT-20 satellite has already been secured byIndian service providers.GSAT-20 offers Ka-Ka band HTS capacity with 32 beams having Pan-India coverageincluding A&N and Lakshadweep islands.Earlier ISRO launched its communication satellites weighing four tonnes and aboveusing the Ariane rocket of Arianespace.